How To Fix TCL TV WiFi Not Working? (Disconnects/Connect)

Wifi is an important feature of your TCL TV because it allows you to use various applications while also enjoying TV services that do not require WiFi. What should you do if your TCL TV WiFi not working, is constantly disconnecting, isn’t being detected, or won’t connect?

If your TCL TV WiFi isn’t working, is constantly disconnecting, isn’t being detected, or won’t connect. WiFi has enabled TCL TV owners to do much more than just watch television.

You can now stream movies, use various applications with the click of an icon, and even browse the internet all through your television’s smart technology. If your TCL TV WiFi isn’t working, is disconnecting, isn’t detecting, or isn’t connecting, keep reading to find a solution.

TCL TV WiFi Not Working (Disconnects/Won't Detect/Connect)
TCL TV WiFi Not Working (Disconnects/Won’t Detect/Connect)

Troubleshooting: Issues on Fixing TCL TV WiFi Not Working

The TV is not detecting any wireless networks.Check that the TV is turned on and that the wireless network is enabled. Make sure that the TV is within range of the router.
The TV is connecting to the wireless network, but it is not able to access the internet.Check that the internet is working on other devices in the home. Make sure that the TV is using the correct password for the wireless network.
The TV is connected to the wireless network, but it is very slow.Try restarting the router and the TV. Try moving the TV closer to the router.
The TV is connected to the wireless network, but it is constantly disconnecting.Try restarting the router and the TV. Try changing the wireless channel on the router.
The TV is not able to connect to a 5GHz wireless network.Make sure that the TV and router both support 5GHz networks. Try disabling the DFS channel on the router.


The problem of this feature simply not turning on is at the root of many WiFi issues. This can be extremely frustrating because turning on WiFi should be a simple process. If you’re having trouble getting your WiFi to turn on, make sure you’re following the correct steps to get things connected on your TCL TV.

If your TCL TV’s WiFi does not turn on, press the ‘Home’ button on your remote control > press the right arrow button and select ‘Network’ > press the right arrow button again and select ‘Wireless,’ which will cause your TV to start scanning for different wireless networks.

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Once you’ve found your wireless network name, select it from the list and start entering your password to finish the setup.


When you turn on your TCL TV, you should have immediate access to a variety of applications that are all supported by your WiFi.

If you turn on your TV and discover that it is not connected to the internet, and even worse, will not connect to your internet, you have a problem that disables a significant portion of your TV’s functionality. If this is the case for you, what steps should you take to resolve the situation?

If your TCL TV is unable to connect to WiFi, you must first ensure that your WiFi is operational. Check other smart devices in your home to see if they are connected to the same WiFi network and can function normally on it.

If they are not, reset your router by following the instructions in the user manual. After the reset, reconnect your TV to the WiFi network to see if the problem persists. If this does not resolve your problem, resetting your network connection may help.

To do so, use your remote control to navigate to ‘Home’ > ‘Settings’ > ‘System’ > ‘Advanced System Settings’ > ‘Network Connection Reset’ > ‘Reset Connection.’


When your TV connects to your WiFi but then disconnects for no apparent reason, it can be extremely inconvenient. As previously stated under “TCL TV Won’t Connect to WiFi,” ensure that your WiFi is operational, which may necessitate a router reset. If this isn’t the case, the problem could be with the television itself.

A factory reset may also be helpful by pressing ‘Home’ > ‘Settings’ > ‘System’ > ‘Advanced System Settings’ > ‘Factory Reset’ > ‘Factory Reset Everything’ > then enter the code listed on the screen and select ‘OK.’

Alternative Video: How To Fix TCL TV WiFi Not Working?

How To Fix TCL TV WiFi Not Working?



When your TCL TV loses connection to WiFi, you should be able to go back into your settings and reconnect to the same WiFi network that has always been present.

However, if you turn on your TV and discover that not only is the WiFi not working, but your TV is also forgetting the WiFi, you may be perplexed as to why such an issue could occur for such a smart TV.

If your TCL TV keeps forgetting your WiFi, there could be a problem with your most recent update that allowed a bug to enter your system, causing the TV to constantly forget your network.

This then necessitates another firmware update, which can be obtained by going to ‘Home’ > ‘Settings’ > ‘System’ > ‘System Update’ > ‘Check Now’ > the download will begin automatically if one is available.


One of the advantages of smart TVs is that they are designed to store and remember any information that you enter even once, such as your WiFi network and password.

This makes using WiFi-enabled TV features extremely simple because you don’t have to enter the same information every time you turn the device on. But what if your TCL TV does not automatically connect to WiFi?

If your TCL TV is not automatically connecting to WiFi, it may be beneficial to forget the network and allow a WiFi reset. To do so, return to the section “TCL TV Won’t Connect to WiFi” for step-by-step instructions on how to reset your connection. If this does not solve your problem, a router reset may be able to get your TV to automatically connect, which you can do by following the instructions in your router’s user manual.


TCL TVs should be able to turn on, connect to WiFi, and function normally as long as your internet connection is strong enough to support the TV. However, as appealing as this may sound, it is unavoidable that some TCL TVs will have WiFi issues. What should you do if your TCL TV’s WiFi keeps going out?

If your TCL TV WiFi keeps turning off, it could be due to the way your router assigns IP addresses to the various devices that connect to your WiFi. To test this, turn off all WiFi-enabled devices in your home or business and reboot the router.

Once the router is back up and running, you will restart the WiFi devices one at a time so that the router can assign IP addresses in a way that works for your TV.

If this does not solve your problem, it could be due to a previous software update that introduced bugs into your system, causing the WiFi to constantly turn on. Return to the previous section “TCL TV Keeps Forgetting WiFi” to resolve this issue.

These steps should be followed after power cycling your TV by unplugging it directly from the power source for 60 seconds and then plugging it back in.

TCL TV Not Detecting WiFi
TCL TV Not Detecting WiFi


Every TCL TV will require not only that the owner have either a WiFi or wired internet connection, but also that if they are using WiFi, they have a password that is entered during the TV setup process.

This should be a simple process, but some TCL TV owners have reported issues with their TV accepting or saving the WiFi password that they enter. What should you do if this is your problem?

If the problem persists, it may be beneficial to reset your connection settings, which can be found in the previous section “TCL TV Keeps Forgetting WiFi.” This will force your TV to forget previously set network settings, allowing you to start over and find your network while also entering your password for the first time.


If you have other devices in your home that are WiFi-enabled and are working properly, it can be perplexing to discover that your TCL TV is not detecting that same WiFi network.

This does not mean that you should immediately call a repairman to look at your TV, as there are a few different solutions that may assist your TV in recognizing the WiFi network to which it needs to be connected.

If your TCL TV isn’t detecting your WiFi network, make sure it’s sending out a strong enough signal to be detected. You can determine your internet speed by pressing the ‘Home’ button on your remote control > selecting ‘Settings’ > ‘Network’ > ‘About’ > and then determining whether your signal strength is excellent, good, or poor.

If your signal strength is low, this is the cause of your lack of WiFi detection, and your internet may need to be reconfigured to accommodate your TCL TV; additionally, make sure that your TV is within the proper range of your router so that it can more easily pick up your WiFi network.

Bring the router as close to the TV as possible, but no closer than five to six feet, as this can also cause connection issues.


For those of you who are setting up your TCL TV for the first time, connecting your TV to the internet is one of the first steps. This is a simple process that can be completed in a matter of minutes if your internet was previously set up and is in good working order.

Look at the instructions below to learn how to connect your TV to a wireless and wired internet connection.

To connect your TCL TV to the internet via WiFi, begin by pressing the ‘Home’ button on your remote control. Once you’ve pressed this button, go to ‘Settings’ > ‘Network’ > ‘Wireless’ > and your TV will start scanning for wireless networks, including your own. When you see your network, select it and enter your password to connect to it.


If your Roku TV loses Internet connection while streaming a video, make sure your device has enough signal strength.

You can also troubleshoot the issue by restarting your TV and router, connecting via Ethernet cable rather than Wi-Fi, and positioning your player within the router’s range. Some advanced fixes include factory resetting your TV and adjusting your router’s ACL/MAC address filtering.

Why is TCL Roku TV Not Connecting to WiFi?
Why is TCL Roku TV Not Connecting to WiFi?

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my TCL TV not connecting to WiFi?There are a few reasons why your TCL TV might not be connecting to WiFi. Here are some things to check:
* Make sure that your TV is turned on and that the WiFi is turned on.
* Make sure that you are entering the correct WiFi password.
* Check the signal strength of your WiFi network. If the signal is weak, try moving your TV closer to the router.
* Restart your TV and router.
* Reset the network settings on your TV.

Why is my TCL Roku TV not connecting to the Internet?

The first step is to restart your WiFi router, followed by restarting your television by going to Home > Settings > System > Power > System restart > Restart and selecting OK on your remote.

What exactly is this SSID?

SSID is an abbreviation for Service Set Identifier. This is the one-of-a-kind identifier for a wireless network. When a data packet is transmitted, it is in the packet header. This identifier is used by Wi-Fi network devices to communicate over the network.

Why isn’t my TV finding my WiFi?

Unplug your router/modem for at least a minute before reconnecting it. By pressing and holding the small button, you can hard reset your router/modem. Check that you’re connected to the correct network and that you’re using the correct password. For smart TV WiFi, try to avoid using VPNs or dial-up connections.


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